Sum It Up News Archive

Sum It Up: Hear from More Clubs

List of 5 items.

  • Chess Club

    The Chess Club is competing in the FCICL (Fairfield County Interscholastic Chess League) this year! We have matches every Tuesday (online) against schools from all over CT. After 5 rounds, we’re currently tied for third! We’re always looking for new members to join our team, even if it's only for a few matches for the rest of the year. If you’re interested in joining our team or have any questions, please reach out to or
    We’re also attending the USATE (United States Amateur Team East) tournament over President’s Day weekend in February! With over 300 teams in attendance, this tournament is a great way to gain over-the-board experience at a high level. We have very few spots remaining, so if you’d like to join our team please reach out or Our Google Classroom code is vvgixse - we meet every other Wednesday in B202!
  • Debate Club

    Upcoming Events:
    • Public Showcase Debate on Food Insecurity with StuCo and Maroon Key: Upper Heath during activities block on December 11th
      • Come listen and learn about food insecurity in CT and abroad! We’ll have free snacks. After the showcase debate, audience members can participate in mini-debates with the officers on random topics (anything you can think of), offer a random topic, or judge a mini-debate! If you like arguing or eating, you should definitely consider coming.
    • NYPDL January In-Person 25-26
      • We had a lot of demand for Choate, so this time around, anyone who signs up will be likely guaranteed a spot! New York is always a lot of fun, and it’s a great opportunity for novice debaters, so keep an eye out for the registration form via Google Classroom.

    Interested in joining?
    • Improve your public speaking skills! We learn and debate about all kinds of topics, from philosophy and economics to whether or not 10% of the population should become a worm. Hopdebate competes across New England, with coaching from the Yale Debate Association. We’re also one of the few clubs with funding, which means we’ll have food at our pre-NYPDL January meeting for anyone going (boba?)
    • Join our Google Classroom for more info (576nui6)! You can also follow us on Instagram @hopdebate (we’re the best club instagram account). Contact cwang26 or kagarwal25 with any questions or concerns :)
  • Model UN

    Model UN recently attended BUSUN (Brown University Model United Nations Conference) and was able to engage in debate on topics from the Olympics to peaceful use of outer space. Club Head Josie L was able to take home an honorable mention delegate award in her crisis committee and we had strong performances across the board from new and experienced MUN-ers! We are also excited to announce that registration for Hopkin’s own conference (HOPMUN) is expected to open in mid-January and will be available to the entire community.
  • Quiz Bowl

    Quiz Bowl recently competed in Belmont High School’s Fall Tournament! We had a strong showing with our A team placing 8th in standard division, and a bold team of three playing in the novice division. Shoutout to Captain Claire B. and sophomore Derin B. for making top scorers in their respective divisions (with the panda stickers to prove it), and freshman Ravi C. for winning the coveted can of beans with his 20 incorrect answers! We want to thank everyone who came out to play quiz bowl over the beginning of their Thanksgiving break, and are looking forward to hosting our own inter-Hopkins tournament (date TBD). Go Hop!
  • Science Bowl

    Science Bowl headed up to Massachusetts for the MIT Science Bowl Invitational on November 16th. With some incredibly difficult competition (we faced the eventual champions in the first round), we knew we had to lock in. Despite the trials and tribulations as for many of us, this was our first in-person high school scibowl match due to Covid, we managed to improve round over round eventually winning in dominant fashion. Although we did not advance from our group we had successful scrimmages and we have been practicing and preparing for our revenge tour at States in February. If you’re interested in joining our team or have any questions, please reach out to or
    • Voted #1
      Best Day School
      in CT, 2024

Hopkins is a private middle school and high school for grades 7-12. Located on a campus overlooking New Haven, CT, the School takes pride in its intellectually curious students as well as its dedicated faculty and staff.