Hopkins Launches New Strategic Plan: Hopeful Youths

Hopkins has officially launched its new Strategic Plan, Hopeful Youths. The plan, initially presented as an illustrated narrative about Hopkins—past, present, and future— outlines goals that will shape programmatic and facilities development at the School over the next five years.  

The plan emerged from a collaborative process conducted during the 2022–23 and 2023–24 school years. Through surveys, focus groups, and community forums, more than 1,000 people shared insights about the School and made suggestions for its future.

During these conversations, members of the Hopkins community were challenged to identify the School’s historic values and strengths while also considering the most relevant form of education for the mid-21st century. 

“In diving more into this plan, we hope that all members of the Hopkins community will feel proud of the School they have known and inspired by this vision for its future,” said Head of School, Matt Glendinning. 

Along with a physical printing of the plan, Hopkins has also launched a corresponding Hopeful Youths webpage, which includes a campaign video, a recap of the vision and goals presented in the plan, and much more.
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Hopkins is a private middle school and high school for grades 7-12. Located on a campus overlooking New Haven, CT, the School takes pride in its intellectually curious students as well as its dedicated faculty and staff.