Hopeful Youths: Vision & Goals

Below are four main areas of focus for the future.

Citizens of the World


“Learning is experiencing. Everything else is just information.”
— Albert Einstein

This enduring insight from Albert Einstein shapes our understanding of world-class education. To better prepare students to be global citizens, ready to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing world, Hopkins will enhance its Liberal Arts and STEM programs in ways that foster deep academic knowledge and critical real-world skills.


  1. Develop a new model for advanced studies at Hopkins by introducing an updated curriculum focused on exploration of complex topics and engagement with real-world problems.

  2. Intensify the use of experiential learning by creating a new program in entrepreneurship and social innovation, expanding opportunities for internships, and renewing use of the Adam Kreiger Adventure Course.

  3. Establish an Inter-term Program featuring interdisciplinary courses, local and global travel, and other experiences outside the mainstream curriculum.

Next-Door Neighbors


Becoming a global citizen begins at home.

Hopkins is a diverse school, with our population coming from more than 60 towns, speaking more than a dozen languages, and comprising nearly one half students of color. And we are situated in a small but world-class university city that in many ways is a microcosm of modern America. In just 20 square miles, New Haven contains a rich complexity of human experience, and connecting with the city and its people offers valuable opportunities to increase awareness, sensitivity, and understanding. For all these reasons, Hopkins will elevate its engagement with and learning from New Haven and surrounding communities. 


  1. Develop programs that connect Hopkins students to the history, people, opportunities, and challenges of New Haven and its environs.

  2. Use Hopkins’ campus facilities to support local youth programs.

  3. Expand the successful Pathfinder Program, providing academic support for New Haven public school students and increased scholarship for their matriculation at Hopkins.

A Home on the Hill


Putting people first.

In an intellectually rigorous and fast-paced environment like Hopkins, we need to prioritize caring for each individual person. A heightened emphasis on well-being and belonging will promote balance between the drive for academic achievement and the need for personal wellness. Hopkins will bring together a talented and diverse community where everyone is valued and has the resources they need to thrive.


  1. Develop a holistic plan for Community, Well-being, & Belonging, with a focus on mental and physical health, academic support, diversity programs, and advisory.

  2. Support Hopkins’ outstanding faculty and staff with competitive compensation, opportunities for growth, and a healthy, inclusive workplace.

  3. Enhance access to Hopkins by increasing scholarship resources and moderating tuition growth.

Campus Renewal


Creating an ecosystem for world-class teaching and learning.

We will carefully steward our resources of time and space, reimagining our daily schedule, renewing our historic campus, and creating sustainable facilities that promote world-class teaching and learning, health and wellness, and a strong sense of community at Hopkins.


  1. Devise a daily schedule that supports the values, vision, and goals of Hopkins’ strategic plan.

  2. Create spaces that promote wellness, recreation, and fitness, including enhanced facilities for strength and conditioning and training across a variety of sports.

  3. Establish labs or centers for hands-on, applied, and project-based learning, including enhanced facilities for Robotics, HARPS, Entrepreneurship, and a makerspace.
    • Voted #1
      Best Day School
      in CT, 2024

Hopkins is a private middle school and high school for grades 7-12. Located on a campus overlooking New Haven, CT, the School takes pride in its intellectually curious students as well as its dedicated faculty and staff.