Summer School 2025

Level Up Your Learning!

June 23–August 1, 2025

Upper School

for students entering grades 9–12
The Upper School provides a balanced array of academic and enrichment courses for students, both Hopkins and non-Hopkins, who will enter grades 9–12 in the fall.

Six weeks in length, the summer session runs from June 23 through August 1, and is held on the tranquil 104-acre Hopkins School campus overlooking the city of New Haven.

Three types of courses are offered in the Upper School:
  1. academic credit courses, which provide 90 hours of teaching in a given subject area and require an equivalent amount of out-of-class study time
  2. non-credit academic review courses which provide between 30 and 60 hours of class-based learning
  3. enrichment courses for students seeking to expand their horizons or strengthen core learning skills
Classes are kept small, typically averaging between 8 and 12 students. The Summer School reserves the right to cancel a class that does not reach the minimum enrollment of four students. The academic day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 1:15 pm. In honor of July 4th, we will not have school on that Friday.

For credit-bearing classes only, the Summer School offers financial assistance for Hopkins students proportionate to the support provided during the regular academic year.

Upper School Courses

List of 12 items.

  • Write it Right! Practical Writing Skills & Strategies

    Open to students entering grades 9–12.
    Class meets 8:00–11:00 am. June 23 through August 1. 
    Communication skills—especially writing—are the single most important advantage you can give a child. Future performance in school and in the workplace is greatly enhanced by the ability to speak and write well. This course provides a six-week writing tutorial: forming a topic sentence and thesis, methods of organization, using transitions, sentence variety, basic editing techniques, writing introductions and conclusions, supporting points, and along the way, the “art of being a student.” Students are taught elements of description, narration, comparison, persuasion, definition, division & classification, as well as the underlying grammatical structure of English—the building blocks of sentences. The course uses today’s technology and popular media, including YouTube videos, vlogs and discussion threads, films, art, popular lyrics, film music, and literary excerpts to teach critical thinking and foster creativity. This is an active participation course with lots of one-to-one attention in a supportive environment.

    Students get hands-on practice leading class lessons and reviews: if you can explain it to someone, you know it! By the end, students will have produced a body of written work to show for their efforts. All course texts and materials are provided. Come with a laptop, an iPad, or just pen and paper!

    Course created by The University of New Haven Senior Lecturer, Wes Davis, who brings decades of experience teaching every kind and level of writing from remedial to honors, from middle school to college.

    Cost: $2,300 (code #101)
  • World History: The Long Twentieth Century (formerly ACII)

    1 credit for Hopkins students entering grades 10–11.
    Class meets 9:00 am–1:00 pm, June 23 through August 1.

    World History replaces ACII as the new required 10th grade course 
    This required course investigates four key questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of global interconnection? How and why have people collectively developed, encouraged, and limited the growth and spread of human rights? How has technological innovation impacted the global community? Why did the world develop the way it did and who got to decide? By focusing on the twentieth century, including its historical foundations and developing legacies, students will explore the profound impact of ideologies, global realignment, and self-determination on societies to better understand our current world. The course builds on the historical inquiry skills introduced in Revolutionary Freedoms, with an emphasis on the research process. A research paper is a required component. (Prerequisite: Revolutionary Freedoms)

    Please note:
    • Hopkins students can take either WH or AC III through the Summer School but not both.  One of these courses must be taken during the regular school year.
    • If you take WH in the summer before the 10th or the 11th grade, you WILL be eligible for AP US or AP European History as a junior or senior.
    • If you take WH in the summer, you do NOT have to take an elective in the senior school, in addition to AC III or one of the APs.
    • If you take AC III or an AP History course, that will then fulfill your history graduation requirement.
    • Each history class is limited to 12 students.

    WH textbooks:
    McKay, Hill, Buckler’s World Societies edition 12, vol. 2

    Cost: Credit $3,700 (code #105)
  • Atlantic Communities III: The Global Community (1939–present)

    1/2 credit for Hopkins students entering grades 11–12. 
    Class meets from 9:00 am–12:00 pm, Monday - Thursday, June 23 through August 1.
    AC III finishes the core sequence in Hopkins History. The course starts with tensions arising among allies in World War II which then become the Cold War. Coupled with the end of the great colonial empires, that War created a new dynamic in world affairs as the United States and the Soviet Union attempted to manage global politics and economies. The Atlantic world grew closer together with increasing interaction and technology. The end of the Cold War brought another set of challenges in a world not so clearly divided. This course will look at fairly recent historical developments of global economies, ethnic cleansing as a “solution” to conflict, health crises such as AIDS, concerns for the health of the planet and environment, and the rise of religious fundamentalism. Students will become more familiar with the forces that have created the world they will inhabit as adults. (Prerequisite: Atlantic Communities II)

    Please note:
    • Hopkins students can take either WH or AC III through the Summer School but not both.  One of these courses must be taken during the regular school year.
    • If you take WH in the summer before the 10th or the 11th grade, you WILL be eligible for AP US or AP European History as a junior or senior.
    • If you take WH in the summer, you do NOT have to take an elective in the senior school, in addition to AC III or one of the APs.
    • If you take AC III or an AP History course, that will then fulfill your history graduation requirement.
    • Each history class is limited to 12 students.

    AC III textbooks:
    Eric Foner’s Give Me Liberty,
    6th edition 
    McKay, Hill, Buckler's World Societies, 12th edition, vol. 2

    Cost: Credit $3,200 (code #106)
  • Algebra 1

    Open to all students entering grades 7–9.
    Class meets 8:00–11:00 am,
    June 23 through August 1.  
    Using tangential concepts in probability, statistics and matrices as motivation, this course takes up a thorough treatment of the real number line, linear equations and functions, systems of equations, inequalities and absolute values, and elementary algebraic manipulations. This course serves as a preview of the full year Algebra 1 course. In some situations, it may be sufficient to fill gaps in understanding from a previous Algebra 1 course and affect placement for the fall.
    Prerequisite: Pre-algebra.

    Cost: $2,600 (code #131)
    Financial aid is not offered for Algebra I class.

  • Geometry

    1 credit for Hopkins students entering grades 9–11.
    Class meets 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, June 22 through August 1.  
    A classic study of the development of geometry and its use of deductive reasoning and proofs, Geometry develops skills in visualization, graphic representation and the application of core geometric ideas. Relationships that exist between course content and the physical world are emphasized. Integration of synthetic, coordinate and transformation approaches also strengthen students’ understanding of algebra.  Preference will be given to Hopkins 9th grade students seeking to take this class for credit.  Students who want to use this class to preview Geometry Enriched will be considered in late May.  Hopkins students that take this class for academic credit can be placed in Algebra II for 10th grade, although not in the Enriched or Accelerated sections.  Please see the Math Department section of the Course Guide for further information about using summer work for math placement.  

    Cost: $3,700 (code #133) 
  • Precalculus | Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry

    Open to Hopkins students
entering grades 10–12. 
    Class meets 9:00 am–12:00 noon, June 23 through August 1.  

    Precalculus serves as a transition between algebra and precalculus by integrating probability, statistical and algebraic concepts. Trigonometry and the use of functions and statistics to model real-world situations is a major theme. The TI-83 graphing calculator is required. Algebra II and Departmental approval is a prerequisite. One section will be offered with a cap of 12 students.

    Students who apply for Precalculus will not know about their acceptance until late May when the math department reviews your child’s work and evaluates readiness for acceleration.  A strong finish and a minimum of an A- must be achieved as an overall grade to be considered for this course.

    Ideal student for Precalculus: A current sophomore taking Algebra 2 and wants to take Enriched Precalculus AB as a junior.  A current junior who completed Algebra II in good standing and intends to take Introduction to Calculus as a senior.

    Cost: $3,700 (code #137) 
  • Enriched Pre-calculus

    Open to Hopkins students
entering grades 10–12. 
    Class meets 9:00 am–12:00 noon,
    June 23 through August 1.
    Enriched Pre-calculus integrates algebra, geometry and trigonometry as a precursor to the study of calculus and concentrates on the fundamental areas of function, analytic geometry, and mathematical analysis. Technology allows the course to focus on problem solving and exploration. A TI-83 calculator is required. Departmental approval is required. One section will be offered with a cap of 12 students.

    Students who apply for Enriched Precalculus will not know about their acceptance until late May when the math department reviews your child’s work and evaluates readiness for acceleration.  A strong finish and a minimum of an A- must be achieved as an overall grade to be considered for this course.

    Ideal student for Enriched Precalculus: A current student taking Precalculus who intends to take AP Calculus AB the following year.

    Cost: $3,700 (code #139) 
  • Ancient Greek

    1 credit for Hopkins students entering grades 10–12. Class meets 9:00 am–1:00 pm, Monday - Friday, June 23 through August 1.  
    This is a beginning course for students who have not studied ancient Greek before or whose background in Greek is not sufficient for more advanced work. Students proceed through a study of grammar and vocabulary to the reading and writing of sentences and short narratives in the language of Athens of the fifth century B.C.E. Students will also explore ancient Greek culture and history through readings in English translation from the Iliad and Odyssey, as well as other selections from ancient Greek authors. Selected topics in Greek history and art are also considered. This course would count for an elective credit, but not fulfill a language requirement (three years of the same language during the regular school year).

    Cost: Credit $3,700  (code #407)
  • Digital Photography

    Open to all students entering grades 10–12. 1/2 credit for Hopkins students.
    Class meets 8:30 – 10:45 am, Monday– Thursday, June 23 through August 1. 
    Unlock the magic of photography! In this project-based course, you’ll realize the creative power of a DSLR camera—manipulating aperture, shutter speed, and more to capture stunning shots. Then, bring your images to life using Adobe Photoshop, learning sophisticated editing techniques and stylizations. By analyzing accomplished photographers and critiquing your own work, you’ll generate a portfolio of images that demonstrate intentional compositions and communicate a unique perspective. No experience or personal camera needed!

    Cost: $3,200 (code #301)
  • Fundamentals of Video Production

    Open to all students entering grades 10–12. 1/2 credit for Hopkins students.
    Class meets 11:00 am–1:15 noon, Monday–Thursday, June 23 through August 1.  
    Making movies has never been easier technically. No matter what your style or genre, there are core principles and craft skills that we study and practice in this introductory course on storytelling in movies. We develop group projects for film festivals, study masterworks to gather strategies, and put those strategies into action with HD camcording and the Adobe Pro Suite. Students can expect to create one finished short film and one role on a finished group film, with lots of room to grow.

    Cost: $3,200 (code #303)
  • Robotics Engineering

    1/2 credit for Hopkins students entering grades 10–12.
    Class meets 8:30 am – 10:45 am, June 23 through August 1. 
    This is a project-based learning course which will introduce students to robots and engineering in our technologically-advancing global society. The driving question for this class will be “How can robots make a positive impact and solve problems and challenges in our global community?” Working in guided inquiry teams, students will research and identify their community problem and work towards the goal of successfully designing, building, and testing a robot that can provide a viable, robust solution. Using the Engineering Design Process, students will learn how to logically and methodically progress through their identified challenge through the stages of robot design and develop an understanding for the iterative nature of problem solving. Students will learn how to build, code, and test an autonomous robot with motion and sensor control hardware. Students will also learn the fundamentals of machine learning and how to incorporate a trained neural network into their robot.

    Cost: $3,200 (code #302)
  • Comprehensive SAT Review

    Open to students entering grades 10–12.
    Two 3-week sessions available:
    Session 1: June 23 through July 11
    Session 2: July 14 through August 1

    Class meets at 9:00 am–12:00 noon. 
    Designed to prepare students for both the Math and Verbal sections of the new SAT, this pragmatic course is based upon a simple and proven axiom that extensive practice and familiarity with the testing format(s) yields improved performance. Students will discuss and learn useful hints and techniques, review the most frequently tested concepts of mathematics, algebra, geometry, critical reading comprehension, writing and vocabulary, and apply such strategies in class during daily practice and debriefing sessions. Prerequisite: Algebra II. This class caps at 15 students.

    Session 1: June 23 through July 11, 9:00 am–12:00 pm.
    Cost: $1,400 (code #143)

    Session 2: July 14 through August 1, 9:00 am–12:00 pm.
    Cost: $1,400 (code #144)

Squash Program

Join the Hopkins Squash Camp for an unforgettable summer experience. Whether you're a budding squash star or looking to refine your skills, our expert coaches will guide you towards your full potential. Learn in a supportive and fun atmosphere that fosters both age-appropriate skill development and a love for the game. Hone your technique, power, and precision through focused drills and match play. 

Participants are grouped according to their age and ability and enrollment is limited to ensure that individual and small group instruction provide a superior experience. Expert coaching, always a hallmark of Hopkins athletics, focuses on honing existing skills and individual strengths. In addition, concepts and tactics are taught through game or match situations.

Financial aid is not offered for Squash Camp.

List of 2 items.

  • Squash: Beginner and Intermediate, Levels I and II

    Open to students entering grades 3–12.
    Camp meets 8:00–11:00 AM, June 23–July 11.
    Forbes magazine named squash as the world’s healthiest game for its excellent physical and mental demands, low risk of injury, and lifetime availability. US Squash Level II coach, Brad Czepiel, and his staff of trained coaches and advanced players teach proper stroke mechanics, graceful court movement, and effective match strategy for new and intermediate players. Individual and group coaching, and a variety of on- and off-court activities inspire the budding squash player. A mid-practice video break allows campers a time to refresh for the final hour’s action.

    Equipment: Players are welcome to borrow Hopkins’ racquets, glasses, and shoes.

    Week 1: June 23–27, Cost: $300 (code #307) 
    Week 2: June 30–July 3, Cost: $240 (code #308)
    Week 3: July 7–11, Cost: $300 (code #309)

    Some court space is open to players and supervised by coaches 11:00 am – 1:30 pm for extra play.
  • Squash: Advanced, Level III

    Open to experienced junior players.
    Camp meets 1:30–3:30 PM.

    Squash Level III builds experienced players’ fundamentals to help them get even more power, finesse, and success from their game. Each week focuses on central, critical skills, though other related on- and off-court elements will be addressed. Throughout, the camp makes an asset of Hopkins’ hot courts; the pace is high, and outright winners are very difficult, a combination that acclimatizes players to the long, creative points of advanced junior squash. Camp limited to 12 players.

    Squash Level III Coaches - TBA
    We select coaches based on their ability to communicate with and inspire junior players. We have had coaches from Trinity College, Yale College, and the PSA tour. We have found great success with coaches from A-level prep schools and private clubs.

    We maintain a 3:1 (or better) player:coach ratio, which is extraordinarily low.

    Week 1: Building points 
    - Shot placements and sequences; accuracy work
    - Drills working on technical constructs of the game
    June 23–27
    Cost: $395 (code #310)

    Week 2: Combining and Adjusting Strategies
    - Setting up points
    - Understanding and deploying tactics
    June 30–July 3
    Cost: $320 (code #311)

    Week 3: Matchplay 
    - Implementing tactics across a match
    - Assessing and adapting
    July 7–11
    Cost: $395 (code #312)

    All squash camps meet in Hopkins’ six-court Kneisel Squash Center located at the top of the quad and most easily accessed via the 94 Knollwood Drive entrance.

Inspirit AI Returns for Summer 2025

Artificial Intelligence Program by Stanford Graduates

Inspirit AI is offering an in-person, 30-hour pre-college AI program hosted at Hopkins that teaches students in grades 6-12 fundamental AI concepts and guides them to build socially impactful projects such as safe ChatGPT bots, exoplanet search, self-driving car systems, and more!

Stanford and MIT graduates in AI will be present in person from July 14-25, 2025 to teach. The program will run in two concurrent sessions for rising 9-12 graders and rising 7-8th graders.

Please read more information in the program brochure and apply here

Program contact: Jared Greene,